TP #2a
Level: A2 (Elementary) level
Main Aims
To provide
To provide students with an opportunity to practice speaking using interrogative questioning so that they become more confident. This will be achieved through controlled and semi controlled speaking practice.
Subsidiary Aims
This session focusses on students speaking using simple present tense wh- questions and will serve to reinforce and add too their existing vocabulary, particularly regarding birth details (in present tense), interests, home, family, work or study and friends.
Procedure (36-45 minutes)
I will ask Ss to stand up and move to a space at the front of the class. The class is roughly 50/50 male/ female so I I will ask the group to form two lines on that basis. The front person of each line will be given a board marker. I will firstly demonstrate through giving an example of projecting a photographic image on to the white board. The image has three options in one colour and an answer in a different colour. The options are formed from a selection of wh and how questions relating to the object in the photograph, which is in a different colour. Ss will take turns, leading from the front of their respective lines, to tick the correct option using the board marker. Because two people have a board marker at the same time, there will be a competitive element to the game, and the point will only be given if I can also elicit an answer in present tense to the question, provided it has been ticked correctly.
For this section, following the students taking their seats after the warm up exercise I will ask the class if a wh question would be answered yes or no. Once I have elicited this information, I will ask for two volunteers. I will ask them to present to a question each they would want to ask someone at a party, using the wh questions and write these down as examples on the WB. I will ask two more Ss to do the same and annotate their responses. I will restrict this to one question in order to rationalise time annotating responses.
At this point in the lesson, I will divide the students into 5 or six groups using colour sticks. I will distribute the wheel diagram and ask them at this stage to look at the words within the diagram together and discuss what the words mean. Due to potential chaos from different answers coming from around the room, I will elicit a selection of examples from 3 different pairs, using ECDW if necessary.
At this stage, I will distribute the second page from the Speaking Extras book, which consists of 12 lines pre prepared so that Ss are able to write questions correlating to the six sections of the wheel. I will ask them in their pairs to write two questions for each section using the keywords in the wheel. As some students might be a little slower, I am not expecting everyone to fill out the whole 12, but though careful monitoring around the pairs at this stage to check for problems. Any major problems I hear or see will be fed back at the end. Once the students have had the opportunity to practice within their teams, I will ask the Ss to stand again and walk around to some music to create the impression of a party atmosphere. When the music stops, Ss will be asked to practice the wh questions they have prepared on somebody different within the group. Again, I will be mingling amongst them and monitoring this situation very carefully in order to get material to feedback at the end of the session.
I will review any errors that I have picked up through monitoring the group using ECDW and thank the students for their hard work this week.