AslihanSengun AslihanSengun

Beginner level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the negative forms of verb 'to be'. First, Ss listen to a conversation and get familiar with the concept of 'negation' while correcting the false sentences. Then they do tasks to practise the negative forms of 'to be'. Ss also learn the contracted forms, and they are supposed to use them in the tasks. Through listening and speaking activities, the pronunciation of the contractions are practised. Some vocabulary related to do nationalities is also be revised through the tasks. Ss need to work in pairs and groups to complete the tasks.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of 'to be' (negative) in the context of nationalities

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide listening practice by reviewing nationaities and countries, and speaking practice in terms of negation


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • to revise what is learnt in the previous session

T greets students and uses the pictures of celebrities from the last session for just a quick reminder of nationalities. T nominates a student, shows the picture and asks 'What is his/ her nationalty?'.

Pre-listening task (3-5 minutes) • to introduce some vocabulary for the listening task

T asks Ss 'Do you like travelling' clarifying the meaning for the verb travel; 'from Istanbul to İzmir, or from Rome to Paris. Going somewhere different' . Then T asks Ss 'Do you like travelling by car/ by plane/ by train?'. T states 'I like travelling on a train, but there is no train to my hometown, Trabzon.' T writes 'I'm on a train' on WB and draws a train route to teach the vocab 'arrive, leave, next stop and express train'. T says; 'I'm on an express train. I'm at London Train Station. I leave from London.' by stressing on leave. Next stop is Birmingham. But I won't get off. I will arrive in Manchester.' While saying this, T draws a route on WB to convey the meaning. T uses CCQs; 'Is Birmingham my next stop? No.; I arrive in Manchester? Yes.; Am I in a express train? Yes; I leave from Liverpool? No.'.

Listening for Gist (3-5 minutes) • to make Ss get to know the text

T sticks a picture which is cut in half on WB. There is a man on the picture, but Ss don't know who is sitting opposite him. T asks Ss; 'Is he alone?, Where is he going, on holiday or to work?, Is there a man or woman with him?'. After Ss' answers, T sticks the other half. There is a woman. T asks; 'Who are they; friends, husband and wife?, Where are they going?'. After Ss answers, T says; 'These people are happy?. No. There is a problem. What is the problem?'. T wants Ss to guess the problem and writes possible answers on board. 'Listen to the conversation. Only listen to hear the problem?'. CCQ; 'Listen to for? Problem?'. After the recording, T offers to listen to it again. If Ss doesn't want, T and Ss checks their own answers on WB. Ss finds the correct answer.

Listening for Specific Information (6-8 minutes) • to find the specific information from the text and answer the questions

T shows Ss handouts and explain them there is a True-False activity. To explain true and false, T uses some sentences. 'Obama is American. True/ Putin is English. False.'. T repeats sentences and wants S to say true of false. Then T explains SS will listen to the text and write True or False next to each sentence. T delivers the handouts and give Ss 10 seconds to look at the sentences. Then T plays recording. After first exercise, T stops and checks understanding. Then recording starts again. After recording finishes, T asks Ss if they want to listen to the conversation again. If Ss need, T plays it again. Then wants learner to check their answers in pairs. After peer checking, T asks the questions one by one. T writes the false sentences on WB and wants Ss to tell the correct versions. If they correct sentences like; 'She is from France. False. She is from Switzerland.' T tells 'It's true, but we can say also like this; She isn't from France.' to introduce the negation of verb to be.

Grammar (10-12 minutes) • to present information about negative forms of verb 'to be'

T wants Ss to look at the related grammar part in handouts for a minute in their pairs. T stresses on the conraction forms. T asks Ss repeat after her. To show the stress in the negative and positive sentences, T drills the sentences and ask S repeat after her. Also Ss read sentences individually. Next, T asks Ss look at the activity in the handout, shows the example and explains it on WB. 'All sentences are false. Look at the example and correct them.'. Ss work individually. They have 2 minutes to do it. After they finish, T swaps the pairs and ask Ss check their answers. Then each Ss writes the answers on WB. For the next task, Ss are supposed to work in pairs. T shows handouts and explains activity. T explains (+) for positive and (-) for negative sentences. They do the first one together. Then Ss work in pairs. After finishing, they change pairs and check their answers. Lasty, T plays recording to hear the correct answers.

Speaking (12-15 minutes) • to practice negative forms of 'to be' and practice contraction forms

Tsticks sentence parts on WB in which full and contraction forms of to be are present. Ss are supposed to listen to the recording and form sentences. T does a demo first. Then recording starts. Ss come to WB and chooses correct option one by one. Then Ss give feedback first. If they need, they listen again. Now Ss are supposed to write 3 sentences in their groups. T explains Ss the activity; 'First you will write 3 sentences. One is correct. Two sentences are false.' T gives extra examples. Then T groups Ss into three. They have 2 minutes to write the sentences.T monitors and helps if they need. After they finish, T explains the next step; 'First, a group will come to the board. They will read their sentences. One by one.' T nominates a group. They come and start to read their sentences. After the first sentence, T asks 'Is it True?'. Ss are supposed to say True or False. If the sentence is false, they have to use the negative form. T shows how to do it. Then Ss continue to read. All groups stand up and read their sentences. Ss give feedback to each other.

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