Burcu Turk Saracoglu Burcu Turk Saracoglu

Burcu Türk Saraçoğlu - TP2
Intermediate level


Abc Headlines
Abc Story 1
Abc Story 2
Abc Story 1 Questions
Abc Story 2 Questions
Abc Warm-up Questions
Abc Answer Key for Story 1 Questions
Abc Answer Key for Story 2 Questions
Abc Discussion Questions
Abc Language Analysis

Main Aims

  • To provide practice in the integrated skills of reading for gist and detail, and speaking for fluency in the context of social networking stories.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar Practice


Pre-Stage / Warm Up (5-6 minutes) • To make the students discuss questions to have a general idea on social networking websites.

T asks four questions to the w/c. The questions are: "1) How many different social networking websites can you name? How are they different? 2) Do you use any of these websites? If you do, how much time per day do you think you spend on them? 3) If not, do any of your family/friends/colleagues use one? How much time do you think they spend on it? 4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites?". T asks the first question to the whole class and puts their ideas on the board. Students work in groups of and discuss the questions together. T takes feedback from the class.

Pre-Stage / Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To make the students predict the stories of the heading to activate their schemata.

T tells the ss they will read two stories from a newspaper and internet news. T wants the ss focus on the headlines. Ss will discuss in pairs what they think the stories are about. T hands out the headlines to each pair. T takes some general feedback from students.

While Stage / Matching paragraph headings to paragraphs (4-5 minutes) • To make the students read for gist.

T separates class into two groups, A and B, and divides the groups into groups of 4 to help the students interact more. T tells the class A groups read Story 1, B groups read Story 2. T wants the students read the story in 1 minute individually to find the correct heading for it. After finishing reading, Ss peer-check their answers within their groups. T tells the correct answer to each group but doesn't take w/c feedback.

While Stage / Answering Questions (9-10 minutes) • To make the students scan the stories to find specific information

T gives each group the relevant set of questions. Ss scan the text individually, answer seven questions, after reading ss peer-check within their groups. T gives an answer key to each group but doesn't take w/c feedback. Ss retell the story in their groups with the help of the answers.

Post-Stage / Telling a summary (7-8 minutes) • To make the students listen for a gist.

T regroups the ss into pairs - 1A + 1B. Each s retells his/her story and the other s guesses what the headline was. T monitors and take some general FB.

Post-Stage / Discussion (8-9 minutes) • To make the students discuss questions to speak for fluency in the context of social networking stories.

T gives 3 minutes to read the story they didn't read before. After ss finish reading, t mingles the class to have groups of 4, shows five questions to the ss. The questions are: "1. Do you think the Internet is a good place to meet a future partner? 2. Do you know anyone who has met his or her partner in an unusual way? 3. Would you ever add members of your family as friends on a social networking site? 4. Would you use a social networking site to find relatives you've lost contact with? 5. Do you mind that people can look for you by using an internet search engine?" Ss discuss these questions in their groups. T monitors and takes some general FB.

Wrap Up (1-2 minutes) • To wrap up the lesson

T asks ss what they have practiced in the lesson and elicits answers, ends the lesson by thanking the ss.

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