Ezgi Ozsalih Ezgi Ozsalih

TP 1a
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson, students learn about the pronunciation of the letters in the alphabet and how to spell names. They will hear a conversation about making hotel reservation and do other listening tasks to make sure they learn the pronunciations of the letters and how to spell names correctly. Following these activities, students will do some role-playing activities by writing their own dialogues after reading and listening the examples.


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Main Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice and listening for specific information in the context of making hotel reservations

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practise the simple present tense
  • to review pronunciation of the alphabet


Warmer/ Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the lesson.

T will hand out alphabet cards to students and say some letters. The students who have the letters that the teacher say will stand up and sit down when they hear their letters. The letters the teacher say will comprise a word. The last student will tell the word to the class. The words may be from the ones they have learned or from their own names.

Pre-Listening (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the content of the listening.

The students will work in groups and try to say the alphabet to each other. As they will just be trying before learning, there may be mistakes at this stage.

Listening #1 (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with the correct pronunciation of the letters

The students will listen to the alphabet and try to repeat the letters correctly

Pronunciation Activity (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with an easier way to memorize the pronunciation of the letters

T will write some numbers and the word "car" on the board. These numbers and the word have the same pronunciations with the letters. T will give an example to the students and write "a" under the number "8". Then, T will hand out a worksheet and Ss will try to do the rest of the activity. At this stage students can work in pairs.

Pre-Gist Listening (1-2 minutes) • To prepare the students for the listening text

T will give them their handouts on which there are two pictures. Ss will try to guess where the places are; in which country and in which city.

Gist Listening (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with the listening in the context of hotel reservation.

Ss will listen to a conversation between a customer and a receptionist. They will check whether their answers given in the pre-listening activity are true or not. They will try to answer to the question of "Who is at the hotel?" They are expected to hear the names of the customers.

Detailed Listening #1 (2-3 minutes) • To introduce students how to spell names.

T will do the first exercise to show the students how to do the activity. Then students will listen and try to find which name is spelled. They will tick the correct ones.

Detailed Listening #2 (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with more activity about spelling names

Students will work in pairs. One of them will be A and the other one will be B. A will spell names from the previous activity and B is going to point at the name spelled.

Listening #2 (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with more activity about spelling names

There is a mistake in each name in the activity. Ss will try to find and correct the mistakes.

Post- Listening (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with the question of how to ask spelling.

T will write on the boart the question of "how do you spell your last name?" Then T will give an answer to the question. Following this. the teacher will ask the question to one of the students and wait for the answer. Seeing the examples, ss will work in pairs. They will ask and answer the question.

Speaking (3-5 minutes) • To let the students see the usage of the information they get and practise speaking.

First, ss will listen to the conversation and then they will try to put the sentences in the correct order to make the dialogue.

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