A Weekend Break
Pre-Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide
To provide listening about a holiday programme on the radio, and is about finding the worst hotel in Britain in the context of A Weekend Break
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in expressing opinions about problems in hotels in the context of A Weekend Break.
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
Greets the students. * Distributes students the happy and sad faces. Say : "We are going to watch a short video. In the video you will see a man who is visiting different hotels. Watch and decide if the hotels are good or bad". If they are good hold the happy face up, if they are bad hold the sad faces up." Uses ICQ: "If the hotels are good, are you going the show me the sad faces?" Students watch the video. Show the faces and the teacher says : "Today , we are going to study about problems at hotels".
The teacher presents the vocabulary : broken lift, cold shower , dirty bathroom , no central heating, room too small, unfriendly hotel manager. Uses visuals on ppt, uses clear CCQs : - broken lift : "Is it working?" - cold shower : "Is the water OK to have a shower?" - dirty bathroom : "Is it clean?" - no central heating : "Do you feel cold or hot when you don't have central heating?" - room too small : "Is there enough space in the room?" - unfriendly hotel manager : "Is he a bad or good person?" models, drills, shows the written form and phonetics. (MPF) Starts the powerpoint from the very beginning and checks the understanding of students.
The teacher says : -"You will listen to a track for 10 seconds. What kind of hotel are they talking about? Is it a good or a bad hotel?" Plays the track, students pair check. Teacher says : "Now show me the right face". Student show sad or happy faces.
The teacher shows the map of Britain and shows Brighton and sticks it on the board. To clarify the pronunciation, models and drills "Brighton". Shows a picture of a hotel, models and drills. Puts it on the board next to the map. Shows two pictures and say : - "This is Nicki and this is Gavin. Look at their faces. Are they happy? Why and why not? Talk with your partner." Elicits possible answers. Then says: - "Nicki and Gavin went to a hotel in Brighton. But they had some problems." Shows the HOs and say "You will listen and tick the problems you hear". Uses ICQ : "Are you going to tick all the boxes?" Plays the track. Monitors students. Students check their answers with their partners. The teacher shows the powerpoint for WCFB.
The teacher shows the HOs and says : - "Now, you will listen to the track again. But this time you will listen more carefully. There are 7 sentences. But they are not in the correct order. First they arrived at the hotel. So this is number 1. Now you listen and write the numbers to order the events. Uses ICQ : "Are you going to write numbers or tick the boxes?" Starts the track. Monitors. Students check their answers with different pairs. WCFD will be done by an interactive activity. The teacher divides the class into two groups- green and orange. Shows the sentences and say : - "I will give these sentences. You are going to order them with your group. Orange group will use the white board. The green group will use the brown board. First finishers will be the winners". After they finish, the students check each other's answers.
The teacher sticks some key words on the board (room, price, key, lift , windows, view, bed, clean, shower, food, door). Gives each student a card. On the cards they will see the words "hotel owner or guest". Groups them and makes them sit in groups of three. Says : - "Some of you will be hotel owners and some of you will be guests. Think of a terrible hotel and the problems that you may have. Talk about the problems with the hotel owner. You can use the key ideas on the board". Monitors. If there are accuracy problems uses error correction immediately. If there are fluency problems the teacher avoids to break the flow of communication. Listens in discreetly and collects a list of overheard errors. Uses the list to provide sentences to discuss later on.
The teacher sticks the pictures of vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board and says : -"We are going to play a game called board rush". Touches the board and explains the "rush" by demonstrating. Divides the class into two. Demonstrates the activity with a student. After they hear the word shouted out by the teacher, students run and take the referring picture. The group which has the most pictures wins.