willjgregg willjgregg

TP 1
Beginners level


In this lesson, students learn how to ask questions regarding jobs and where people live, focusing on use of the job titles, names, third person pronouns both possessive and personal. The lesson starts with open class drilling about questions which use personal names, he and she, his and her, and they and theirs. The students will then complete a back-to-back exercise in which they will have to fill in information gaps by asking questions of one another. If there is time, the students will [play a game] which solidifies their knowledge of job title vocabulary.


Abc Gap-fill handout

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice for formulating questions with regard to names, jobs, origin, and phone numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide vocabulary review of job titles and numbers.
  • To provide drilling practice for pronunciation and use of contractions: i.e., he's, she's, where's, what's


Question Practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice formulating and pronouncing basic questions.

To begin, draw a picture on the board. It is a stick figure with two blank 'underlined' spaces to each side of it. Next, say, "this is my best friend. Questions?" Gesture to the blanks. The students then supply questions about the figure. The target questions (the ones necessary for the exercise) are "What's her name?" (She's Gabrielle) "Where's she from?" (She's from Calais, France) "What does she do?" (She's a nurse) "What's her number?" (It's +33 2 88 99 21 11) These are all questions the students have learned previously. Other questions like "What's her surname" etc. that the students may have are acceptable and will be answered in the exercise. When the question about the phone number is asked or supplied, spend a little time talking about how repeating numbers are read as "double 1" or "triple 1." When students have trouble pronouncing a question, listen for the difficulty and repeat with them as a whole. Next, repeat the exercise but substitute yourself as the subject. Point to yourself and say, "questions?" Students then ask questions about the teacher. This is a nice way of fitting in more practice but also allowing students to get to know the teacher a little better. The activity can be concluded once the students have asked all of the TL questions of the teacher.

Speaking Exercise Demonstration (5 minutes) • To model the speaking exercise correctly and efficiently

First, draw four adjacent squares on the board to model the sheet, sketching a picture for the students and writing in the question categories. Hold up the two pages associated with the exercise. Say and point "Sheet A", "Sheet B." Point to the top of the sheet, then point to the board to show how that you've modeled it. "Fill in the gaps." Invite student (Duran) to come forward by name. Hand Duran sheet B and retain a copy of sheet A for yourself. With both of you facing the class, say "Duran, what is his name" and point to the first picture on the sheet. If Duran, doesn't answer right away, point to where the name is written on the sheet. After the name is supplied, make a big show of writing it on your own paper and then write it on the board as well. Then, still in front of the class, student sits back-to-back with teacher (you will need to have the chairs ready). Pointing to the next category on the what board, ask "what question" to the class. If they don't supply the question "where's he from," then get up and supply it for them, try again with the next category until they understand. In either case, do all of the categories so that the students have a reminder of how to formulate the questions. Student can sit down. Pointing to the chairs and sheets respectively, reiterate "student A, sheet A. Student B, sheet B." ICQ: "What do you ask?" Point to the category on the board. At this point, write down the questions if the student's are having sufficient trouble.

Speaking Exercise (8-10 minutes) • To practice questions about names, origins, jobs, and phone numbers.

Ask all students to work in back-to-back pairs. Say "work in pairs" while gesturing at the example chairs in the front of the classroom. After students are arranged, hand out an "A" sheet and a "B" sheet to each pair. After the majority of the students are done, encourage groups to check if they have written down the right answers with their partners. Say "turn around" and move the example chairs. "Check your answers." FB for this exercise depends upon monitoring -- whatever the students are still having trouble with, drill just as after stage 1. Make sure that students are aware of contractions -- expand "where's" to "where is" for example. I would also like to touch on how we can say "What's Michael's job," if we know Michael's name, instead of "what's his job?"

Nationality Adjectives (8-10 minutes) • To teach students new vocabulary about how names of countries can be turned into adjectives to describe the people therein

If it is no later than 8:45, add in the following activity. Write the question "where's he from?" and then write the answer, "He is from England." Below the answer, write the sentence "He's English." Write "noun" under one word, "adjective" under the other. Explain to the the students that the two can be used equivocally by asking the question, giving one answer, asking again, and giving another answer. Practice again using yourself. "Where am I from?" Once they supply the answer, write "USA" on the board and, next to it, "Will is American." Show the students the worksheet. Say "fill in the gap with your partner." Hand out the worksheets and motion to bring the partner pairs together. ICQ: Point to one pair. "What do you do." Elicit the answer "fill in the gaps." FB: Ask the students to supply the answers on the board. Drill for word stress and show how there are patterns. Point out the spelling for the trickier answers.

Professions Game (10-12 minutes) • To generate new job titles and rehearse old ones

In this exercise, students will break up into groups and think of as many job titles as they can. To introduce the instructions, invite three students up to the floor. Say to the students, "what's a job?" Prompt them to give you the name of a job. When they say it, write down that job on the whiteboard next to the number one. "What's another job?" Write down the second job next to the number two. Show the students the worksheets. Say, "Group A" and point. Say "Group B" and point. Say "Group C and point," indicating that each group will have a worksheet. Then, say write down "one job, another, another, another another" gesturing so that the students understand the idea of repetition. Point at the clock and say "5 minutes." ICQ: "What do you write down?" "How many?" Arrange the two groups. Ask "who will write?" in each group. Give the sheet to the student selected. Ask the students to wait, please. Once everyone has a sheet, point at the clock again and reiterate "5 minutes." Say "Go!" and let the students begin. For FB, write three columns at the top of the whiteboard. Ask each group what they wrote down one-by-one until you have exhausted all of their answers. There is one anticipated difficulties with this stage. See the problems and solutions section for further details.

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