Employing storytelling and fiction in ESP classes
intermediate level
Main Aims
To practice speaking and listening through story telling.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification in the context of business success & professionalism
Procedure (47-60 minutes)
T. asks students why people leave their jobs. He also asks what makes people love or hate their jobs. T. elicits answers and writes more vocabulary related to success and failure including: get promoted, appreciation, success, replace, fire (v)
T. asks the students to watch a video that tells a story of someone. 1- He directs their attention to take notes while they are watching and listening. 2- T. may need to cut the video into stages and clarify the most important vocabulary. 3- T. may add interactive questions in the video through uploading it in playposit.com.
T. cuts the video into stages and clarifies the most important vocabulary. They include: mentor, dedication, diligence, capabilities, apprentice. T. may need to use images that show the meanings of the words.
This includes two stages: While watching, T. may ask the interactive questions so that students can listen for specific details or information. Students answer the questions for specific information. 1-What advice did the mentor give the technician? 2-Why was the technician unhappy in the first ten years? 3- What happened when the old man took a day off before he got promoted? 4- Why did the manager promote the young man? 5- Why was the young man fired? Second, after watching, T. asks the students to summarize what they have watched in their own words. Third, they can discuss the following questions. The questions are written on board or on platposit.com 4-Why do you think the mentor uses the example of a lightbulb? 5-What did you personally and professionally learn from the story? 6- Have you ever heard about similar stories? Tell the class. https://app.playpos.it/go/share/2001512/1515968/0/0/The-Secret-To-Success---an-eye-opening-story
After the students have discussed the questions in pairs, T. monitors and gives a collective feedback on the students' performance. They include comments on the errors/ mistakes, in addition to grammar and vocabulary usage.