Amy Sindicic Amy Sindicic

Weekend Break - Speaking about hotels and hotel facilities
Pre-Intermediate B-1 level


In this lesson, the students will learn/review vocbualary from the fırst 4 exercises on p.48 of the text Straightforward Pre-intermediate to discuss hotels and hotel facililities to prepare them to do the listenting activity on the 2nd half of the page (to be done by Emine) about a Weekend Break


Abc Whiteboard
Abc Flashcards
Abc Best / Worst Hotel HO
Abc Postive / Negative Hotel Features
Abc Hotel Features Chart
Abc 3 Situations HO

Main Aims

  • To provide speakiıng practice for accuracy about hotels and hotel facilities (using the vocabulary highighted in the blue box in Exercıse 1 of Vocabulary and Speaking on p. 48

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Hotel Facilities in the context of Hotels and Travel
  • To provide clarifıcation of meaning, pronunciation, and form of vocabulary taken from the blue box on p.48


Pre-speaking Stage (12-15 minutes) • To prepare students for the context of Hotel Facilities by making the vobulary more understandable

1. Lead-in / T tells students that they are staying for the weekend at a seaside hotel and asks them to think of 10 features the hotel should have. Instructıons: You are staying at a seaside hotel for the weekend. Speak with your partner and think of 10 features the hotel should have. ICQs: Will you work alone or in pairs? Will you speak or write? How many features will you try to think of 2 or 10? 1. T puts flashcards on the board to teach SS vocabulary. She gives each pair a paper wıth a description which they will match to a flashcard. Instructıons: Look at the pictures on the board. Here in my hand are descriptions of the pictures. I will gıve each pair one or two descriptions to attach under the correct picture. ICQs: Will you work alone or in pairs? How many descriptions will each pair get? Will you write or match the description? 2. Students match the words to the picture. 3. T gives FB by reading each description and eliciting the vocabulary word. CCQs: What is this in English? 4. T teaches pronunciation of TL and Ss repeat. CHORAL DRILLING 5. T tapes phonemic pronunciation to the board under each picture. 6. T gives Ss cards with written form which students are to tape under each picture. Instructions: Here are the vocabulary. Each pair will get one or two words. Please tape them under the correct picture and pronunciation. ICQs: How many words will each pair get one or two or ten? Will you write on them or match them?

While Speaking Stage (20-25 minutes) • To give Ss the opportunity to improve their speaking ability through controlled practice

1. T will have Ss work in pairs to decide the 4 most important facilities for the 3 situations given using the words on the board and other common words pertaining to hotel features (such as location, room, hotel facilities, and room facilitıes) found on a checklist provided by the teacher. This helps them to gain confidence to speak about the topic. 2. Students will discuss the most important room or hotel facilities for them (explaining reasons). Instructions: Here is a checklist of Hotel Features and here are 3 different guest situations With your partner, choose the 4 most important features for each guest situation Give reasons for your choices ICQ: Will you work alone or with a partner? Will you decide on 1 feature of 4 features for each guest situation? Can you use the Hotel Features Checklist to help you? T monitors and gives FB to each pair. T puts Ss in small groups of 3-4 to discuss results. 3. T will ask each S to work with partner to speak about the best or worst hotel they have stayed in. Instructions: With your partner, discuss the best or worst hotel you have stayed in. Use the checklist to help you. ICQs: Are you going to discuss the weather or hotels? Will you work alone or in pairs? 4. Ss will change partners and discuss best and worst hotel again.

Post Speaking (Production Stage) (3-4 minutes) • To help students to gather/organize their ideas on paper.

1. T will ask Ss to write about ''What makes a hotel or room good or bad?" using the checklist and other ideas that they may have gotten from partners. 2. T will provide a HO of positive and negatıve features to aid students. Instructions: Here is a HO for you to list Positive and Negative Hotel Features You have 3 minutes to list as many ideas as you can You will work alone ICQs: Will you work individually or in pairs? Are you to fill-in or read the Positive and Negative Hotel Features HO? Do you have 3 minutes or 10 minutes?

Back-up (Freer speaking practice) (5-10 minutes) • To help students to enhance their speaking skills by interviewiing classmates

1. Ss will use the HO they fılled-ın with posıtıve and negatıve features to interview a new partner to fınd out "What makes a hotel room good or bad?" 2. If tıme permits, Ss will report their partners opinıons to the group. Students wıll work ın groups of 3-4 students. Instructions: With a partner, take turns to use the HO to interview each other to find out "What makes a hotel room good or bad?" Remember or write your partners ideas to share with a group. ICQs: Will you work alone or with a partner? Will you ask your partner questions about the weather or good or bad hotels? Will you write the information or remember it to tell the class?

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