Meeting Family and Friends
Elementary B1 level
Main Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text about Meeting places in the context of Me
To provide practice of Meeting places and the verb 'hanging out' in the context of Meeting Family and Friends
To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Meeting places in the context of M
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of M
Procedure (38-50 minutes)
Greet SS and introduce meeting vocabulary through pictures (found ın the PPT called 'Flashcards' to show meaning and provide phonemic spelling to help them pronounce new words.
Students will take handout with yes/no questions about meeting friends and family to have some controlled practice with the vocabulary. Students will ask and answer questions (from the HO called 'questıon and answers' with their partner to gıve them controlled practıce speakıng about meeting friends and family.
Students will read the text called 'Meetıng Places Around the World' on page 34 of the coursebook Global Elementary Englısh, to fınd out how many places are dıscussed ın the text.
Students will read the text called 'Meetıng Places Around the World' in order to fill in the blanks (ın the actual text on page 34) with vocabulary.
Students will take prompts from the Question Prompts for Discussion HO to discuss with a partner. They will switch partners several tımes for varıety and to develop fluencyç