solomon solomon

Preposition of Time
Intermediate level


In this lesson, student learn about time expressions through a guided discovery based on grammar,speaking and reading text about time factor. The lesson starts with a discussion about attitudes to time in their various countries.


Abc A photo copy HO extract from (new inside out intermediate student's book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification through detailed reading to complete a questionnaire about time-keeping.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar: To provide gist and revising preposition of time


Task (7-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I'll focus the student's attention on the questions in the handout, giving them time to read and decide on their own.then put them into pairs and ask them to compare their answers. Finally get them to look at answer and discuss whether they agree or not.

Language Analysis (5-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

I'll pair the student's into group and ask them to decide on at least two activities as regards to the target topic maybe 'Waste of Time'' start them off with an ideas of my own. example asking a tortoise to walk fast

Language Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

First I'll ask the student or check their awareness of the target language 'preposition of time'' put them in pairs and then focus them on the handout to use the correct word of preposition to complete the sentences.

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