Gerunds and Infinitives B2 First
B2.2 level
Main Aims
To provide review and clarification of verb patterns in the context of hobbies and activities
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a sentence completion in the context of talking about yourself
Procedure (56-85 minutes)
What's the most extreme thing you;ve done today? Why was it extreme? Students answer the question one by one, add details. Can you remember what extreme sport we discussed at the previous lesson? Why do people do parkour?
A student reads instructions for ex 1 p.20. Check understanding of the terms: Which of the underlined words are gerunds / infinitives? Demo task: Explain the use of invinitive using the example in the book. Students do the task in pairs. FB: nominate an individual student to answer, others are allowed to help
Student read the rules on p, 206 part by part (Gerunds, Invinitives with to, Infinitives without to). After each part, provide explanation and clarification if necessary. Do a group sort activity OC to check the basic rules and correct any misunderstandings.
Individual practice: Students do ex 1 p. 207 individually, compare in groups, FB: show answers on the screen, discuss mistakes Team practice: Students play the game in teams - complete the sentences with their own ideas using the correct verb pattern. FB: elicit correction, provide explanation on using different patterns.
Focus on the sentence from the Practice 1: Do they have different meanings? Are they both correct in terms of grammar? There are some more verbs which can be followed by gerund or infinitive. Some of them have the same meaning, but some are totally different. Students read the rules and examples on p. 206, elicit the difference in meaning after each example / clarify the rules.
Students do the quiz individually using the rules on p. 206 FB: Discuss the mistakes and elicit / offer clarifications Students do ex 2 p. 207: Read the text for gist Do the task individually - choose the correct from of the verbs, then compare with a partner. FB: show the answers on the screen, deal with mistakes Students do ex 4 p. 207: Demo how to one sentence. Students do the task in pairs. FB: elicit answers and show on the screen, deal with any questions.
Students read the final blosk of rules on p. 206 about expressing preferences. FB: elicit patterns on the screen. PPT: re-write the sentences OC to deal with any misunderstandings.
Students do ex 5 p. 207, compare with a partner. FB: elicit answers from individual students, deal with any mistakes PPT: Students choose 2 questions to interview their partner with. They discuss the questions in pairs. FB: What's the most interesting thing you learned about your partner?
Students do ex 3 p. 20 individually, then compare with a partner. FB: show the answers on the screen Students do ex 4 p. 20 in pairs - say how true the sentences are for them and why. FB: What do you have in common / different from from your partner?