Sarra Cherif Sarra Cherif

CELTA 2015 - TP3
Elementary A2 level


In this lesson ss will practise their listening and speaking skills in the context of different types of homes around the world..


Abc Answer Key
Abc Blu Tack
Abc Hand outs
Abc Headway Student book
Abc Projector
Abc White board
Abc Pictures about type of homes
Abc Listening recording

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson ss will have practised reading for specific information in the context of different types of homes around the world.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practised controlled speaking and free activities about present simple use with 3rd person singular as well as making sentences including different ways of describing a house.


Lead in activity (5-5 minutes) • To introduce the topic and to interest students

- T show students pictures about type of houses - Students to name type of houses ( using what they have learnt in the first part of the lesson)

Pre- teach vocabulary (5-5 minutes) • Prepare student for to listening activity

T elicits : * Wall: what a house is made of ?– T asks CCQ * Blinds: Show blinds in the class windows - T asks CCQ * A verandah - T asks CCQ * near: distance use earth and sun - T asks CCQ

Exercice 1 (5-5 minutes) • Listening for gist

- Teacher gives handouts - Teacher gives instructions and demonstrates carefully - Teacher does the first example with the WC - Allow students to check answers in pairs - Students to write answers in the board for feedback

Exercice 1 • Listening for gist

- Teacher gives handouts - Teacher gives instructions and demonstrates carefully - Teacher does the first example with the WC - Allow students to check answers in pairs - Students to write answers in the board for feedback

Exercice 2 (20-20 minutes) • Listening fr specific information

- Teacher refer students to Task 2 in the handout - Teacher gives students time to read instructions -Teacher demonstrates carefully and does the first example with the whole class - Students continue individually and check answers in pairs - Teacher plays the audio one last time for students to check their answers - Teacher asks students to go get the answer key which is somewhere in the corridor - Teachers checks if it was easy or difficult

Exercice 3 (5-5 minutes) • Practcing controlled speaking

- Teacher demonstrates carefully and shows an example - Ss work in closed pairs - Teachers put background music - Teacher to monitor and provides help when need be.

Exercice 4 (5-5 minutes) • Free activity; Ss will talk about themselves using the new learnt vocabulary and structures

- Teacher demonstrates carefully and shows an example - Ss work in closed pairs - Teachers put background music - Teacher to monitor and provide help if need be. - Teacher thanks Ss when time is up

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