A1 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of relative clause in the context of health
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about health retreat in the context of health
Procedure (46-61 minutes)
T reminds them the words fast and diet. T hands out HO1 with retreat, digest, toxins. Peer check. WCFB
T asks ss to read the text andanswer the gist question Peer check WCFB
T hands out questions T instructs students to read the text, with more care this time and answer the Qs 4 minutes Peer-check WCFB
T puts the answer to the first question on the board 'I was taken to the guest house where everyone was staying' Where was she taken? To the guest house If I take out this part, is the sentence still meaningful? Yes So what does this part do? It gives extra information. It describes the guesthouse. T asks 'what is this part' That part is extra information about the person/thing
T draws 4 colomns on the board and writes, people, things, places, possessives, times. And hands out papres that have who that which whose where and when. T asks ss to stick them on the board.
T hands out p69 T tells students they have 5 minutes to individually do ex5 Peercheck WCFB
T puts up a Where's Waldo photo on the board (projector) and plays a modal game with a more talkative student. T then tells students to play the same, either in their pairs from the paper, or on the WB T monitors WCFB DEC
T tells them to do 6a and b Peer check WCFB