TP 4
A2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of predictions may/might & will in the context of the future world
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of the future
Procedure (40-54 minutes)
I will have already placed a picture to set the context and ask student what it represents and elicit from the students that it is a "time machine". Students ask each other if they want to have one and travel in time/why? I will get some FB. Possible Answers: People want to know the future.....go back to past.....people are significant figures in discover future jobs to get rich.....
In order to create more interest and engage the students, I will write some points (no sleeping but energy pills, no food but food capsuls, no language but the translation tools......) helping to imagine a kind of utopia on the WB and the students will discuss among each other in pairs what might/will/won't happen in that utopia. They discuss in pairs and take some notes. I will get FB and write the sentences on the WB.
I will use students' sentences as model sentences to show the target language. I will write the verb forms with different colours to take the attention and write some of the sentences with the contraction of will to emphasize the pronunciation.
I will elicit the meaning by asking questions such as : Is it about future or past? Is it certain? / Are you sure? Is it %100? No or Yes. If yes, How? Give me your evidence. Then, i will ask questions again about the form too. Shoul I put ''s'' here? Noooooo. How to make it a question? While clarifying the form, i will get them repeat some simple sentences to help the pronunciation in terms of the contraction of will. I will not write too many sentences but just enough to clarify and help with the practices in the next step
Students will be given an exercise in which they will correct mistakes with the form. Students will do the exercise in pairs. I will monitor them. In this step, I will be able to observe if the less learners have still some difficulty and and i will correct their mistakes. There might be early finisher so i will get them help the other pairs. I will get WC FB.
Students will play a game. I will explain to students that they are going to write a story about their own futures. I will hand out a worksheet to each student and remind them to write their names at the top of the worksheets. Students complete the first sentence (Tomorrow you'll meet....) in any way they like. Then they fold their worksheets to the person sitting on their left. They will repeat this untill all the sentences have been completed. In the next step, i'll tell students to open out the worksheet they have. I will ask the students to give the worksheet back to the student whose name is at the top. Students read the story about their future. If time, i'll ask the students to read any particularly funny stories aloud to the class.
I will write on WB 23.08.2014 and 23.08.2023 "How will life be different for you/your family in one years' time and in ten years' time?" Students ask the questions in HO each other in pairs then they will ask the other pairs as a small groups. They will talk about the topics such as appearance, home, money, work.