beats in music
first grade in music ( no matter age level) level
Topic: Beats in Music
Objective: By the end of the session, learners will understand the basic concepts of beat recognition.
Brief Introduction (Heartbeat Analogy):
I’ll start by giving a quick overview of the concept of a beat, using a slide that displays images of heart shapes, each containing a musical note. Explain how, like a heartbeat, a beat in music maintains a regular rhythm.
Today, we’ll focus on two fundamental beats:
Quarter note (long) (we say: Taa)
Eighth note (short) (we say: ti, ti)
Interactive Activity: Beat Drills
I’ll engage students in recognizing and performing basic beats using visuals and body percussion (clapping and snapping).
Activity Structure:
Beat Recognition:
o Displaying a slide with pictures representing beats: a clapping hand for the quarter note (long) and a snapping finger for the eighth note (short).
o Demonstrate how to count each note:
Clap for the quarter note (one clap per beat). / Say :Taa
Snap for the eighth note (two snaps per beat). / Say : ti ti
Interactive Task:
o After demonstrating, I’ll show another slide where the pictures of clapping hands and snapping fingers appear again, but this time, when they "flip", a quarter note appears behind the clapping picture and an eighth note behind the snapping finger picture.
o Encourage students to follow along, clapping for quarter notes and snapping for eighth notes as the slide cycles through different rhythms.
Drill Practice:
o To the class, I show tow pictures in my hand one side is note the other side is picture of clapping or snapping finger. And drill Taa and titi ,practice this rhythm together a few times to understand the difference between long and short notes.
Final Activity: Bee and Bumble Note Recognition
Instead of saying Taa and titi,
We can now practice with photo of bees
((Big bee: Taa/ clap … Small bee: titi /snap))
o After few times, now; 1big bee: /BEE/ // 2small bees: /bum/-/ble/
o Repeat the exercise with variations in the patterns, ensuring students are comfortable with the rhythms:
and introduce new combinations, such as:
1. BEE, BEE, bum-ble, bum-ble, BEE
2. bum-ble, BEE, bum-ble, BEE, bum-ble
Main Aims
To provide practice
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification
drill • practice and memorise
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