Bahija Oueslati Bahija Oueslati

Teaching Practice 8
Beginners level


In this lesson, students will learn how to buy a ticket through writing. The lesson starts with a discussion about buying a ticket. Some main vocabulary words will be introduced at this point. This will be followed by some controlled practice. Finally there will be semi controlled through a role play.


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Main Aims

  • To provide product and process writing practice of a buying a ticket in the context of travel.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice of a dialogue in the context of travel.
  • To provide clarification of travel lexis in the context of travel
  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about booking tickets in the context of travel.


Warmer (5-10 minutes) • Activate schemata, set a context and to focus on the meaning.

I will begin the lesson by asking what means of transportation in long distances. I will then open a discussion about airplanes and observe what they know about them in English.

Introduction to vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • To introduce booking airplane tickets vocabulary.

At this point I will introduce the vocabulary they will be needing in this session. I will introduce all the pictures in the context of a story and by using images. Stopover--- Round trip-- One way-- Economy-- Business-- First Class-- Flight--- Ticket---

Listening (7-8 minutes) • Practice listening to the vocabulary learnt

I will play a video "". The video is about an agent and a customer wanting to purchase a ticket.

Practice (10-15 minutes) • To practice all they have learnt in this lesson

Right after the video, I will tell them that they will be doing the same thing that they have watched. The students are divided into travelers and airline-ticketing agents. The travelers are given an activity sheet and a role card. The airline ticketing agents are given an activity sheet and the schedule and fares for their particular airline.Travelers go from airline to airline and inquire about airplane tickets. They write the information down that the ticketing agents give them. They use this information to decide which ticket and which airline best suits their role.

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