Jonathan Bull Jonathan Bull

Transport & Daily Life - Grammar Lesson (TP7)
Beginner - A1 level


In this lesson, the use of definite and indefinite articles (and no articles) will be reviewed, clarified, and practised. The students will also do scanning while reading and practise writing and speaking for fluency.


Abc Transport facts! - Text - Articles deleted
Abc Transport facts! - Text - Articles underlined
Abc Excepts from Transport facts! Text
Abc Mehmet Yılmaz Text
Abc Mehmet Yılmaz Gap-fill
Abc The, A/An, or -

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of definite & indefinite articles (the, a/an, -) in the context of transport & daily life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about a man's daily life in Istanbul in the context of transport & daily life
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of transport & daily life
  • To provide practice in writing for fluency talking about their own daily lives in the context of transport & daily life


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T reminds the Ss of what they discussed in the previous lesson (transportation, places to some extent) and tells them that we will continue to discuss those in the context of daily life.

Highlighting & Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language & to clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

*T reminds the Ss of the text they read in the preceding lesson and passes out a new, clean copy of the text with the answers clearly filled in, but with the articles deleted (and blank spaces remaining). *T tells the Ss to underline 'the' and 'a/an' (the definite and indefinite articles). *Ss check in pairs. *T hands out a new copy of the text with all articles underlined, Ss check. *T elicits why 'an' is used with 'underground train' instead of 'a'. *T posts the book excerpt exercises and some examples from the text itself side by side on the board. *T tells the Ss that now they will use 'the', 'a/an', or - (meaning nothing) to fill in the blanks of the excerpt exercises - and that each letter uses the same type (the, a/an, or -). *T tells the Ss to look at the examples from the book posted on the board and do exercises a, b, d, e, i and j by coming to the board as a class and filling them in, using the examples to help them. This should be done quickly. *T checks with the whole class. *T clarifies that 'the' is only used with certain countries, like the USA, the UAE, and the UK. *T points out the example of 'Chicago, USA' and writes more examples 'London, UK' and 'Dubai, UAE' but then fills in the blanks with 'the' in the exercises, pointing out that when alone, the countries take 'the'. *T tries to elicit the articles for exercises c, g, and h, as they have been using them a lot but are not present in the text. *T clarifies each type (a-j). *T drills some examples.

Scanning while reading (1-2 minutes) • To familiarise the students with the content of the gap-fill to be used in controlled practise.

*T posts a picture on the board of a man and tells them that this is Mehmet Yilmaz, and gives the Ss a short reading text about him, regarding his life in Istanbul, including some TL. *Ss quickly scan the text, searching for the answers to the question: 'Where does Mehmet live and what is his job?' ( (in a small flat) in Istanbul, Turkey; an engineer ) *Ss check their answers in pairs. *T clarifies the answers.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*T tells the Ss that they will now look at a text written by Mehmet about his daily life in Istanbul, including he gets to work in this crowded city. *They will now fill in the blanks using 'the', 'a/an', or '-' (meaning nothing), according to the trends/rules they have learnt. *Ss work individually and then check in pairs. *T hands out the answer key and Ss check in pairs. *T monitors and clarifies any problematic exercises.

Semi-Controlled Practise (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for semi-controlled/freer practise

*T tells the Ss that they will now write about their own lives, including some parts of their daily routine, like Mehmet's. *If time, after writing, Ss share tell their partners/group mates about their lives. *T monitors for delayed EC FB. *If Ss finish early, T has them now write something similar about a tutor/trainee in the room. *T takes WCFB and then has Ss correct posted sentences on the board (with some good examples as well).

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