Rahele Yavari Rahele Yavari

Usual & Unusual
Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will learn new adjectives in terms of usual and unusual and they will get to know more of them in Listening and Speaking tasks.


Abc Cards
Abc Survey
Abc Powerpoint
Abc True/False handout
Abc Short Text

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about who is Average Man in the context of being average

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of being Usual or Unusual


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set the context

T will show a photo of a dog & a cat on Powerpoint & ask Ss "What do we call these animals ,if we keep them in our houses?" .T will elicit the answer"pet" from Ss.Then T will ask another Q" How many people keep a dog/a cat as their pet?"Again eliciting from Ss "A lot of people".T will say this sentence "So,keeping a dog/a cat as a pet it's something ........ everywhere." Ss will say "Usual" ( if they couldn't say it,T will help them a little bit). Next T will show another photo(a family who keep a tiger as their pet) and ask Ss" what about this photo?Do we keep a tiger as our pet?" Ss will say" NO"! Then T will ask "How many people keep a tiger/ a lion as their pet?" Ss will reply this with "A few". T will ask another question to check if the Ss got the point "Is it something usual to keep a tiger as a pet?" Ss will say "NO" again,and T will say the last sentence "So,keeping a tiger/ a lion as a pet is something ......... everywhere."Ss will say "Unusual". T will focus more on the usual and unusual and will show students more photos.(an unusual dog/house/mustache & a usual dog/house/mustache). Ss will understand the meaning of being usual and unusual at the end.

Matching sentences with usual/unusual (4-5 minutes) • To practice more of the usual & unusual in the context

T will give Ss 8 small cards with 8 sentences on them.There are some underlined words which Ss should find out whether they are describing someone/something usual or unusual.Ss must do the activity with their partners. Finally T will check the answers with whole class.

New Adjectives/Vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To focus more on the new vocabulary & adjectives from the sentences.

While Ss were doing the previous activity,T will write new vocabulary on the WB. then T will ask CCQs(bottom of this stage) for each of the adjectives.After Ss got the meaning of each of them,T will drill them one by one and put their stress mark. Ss may mispronounce some of the adjectives such as "average",so T will focus more on pronouncing them. 1.Average ( Is it something that famous people like Kivanc have?No-Is it something that most of normal people have?Yes-Can we use it before a noun?Yes) 2.Uncommon (Is it something usual?No-Is it something that always happen?) 3.Typical (Does it have unusual features?No-Does it happen in the usual way?Yes-Can we use it for both someone & something?Yes) 4.Weird (Is it something usual?No-Is it something easy to understand or explain?No-Is it very strange?Yes-Can we use it for both someone & something?Yes) 5.Bizarre (Is it something usual?No-Is it strange?Yes) 6.Odd (Is it something normal?No-Is it different from what is normal?Yes) 7.Fiance (Is he married?No,not yet-Is he single?No-Is he going to get married?Yes)

Survey (4-5 minutes) • To practice more adjectives via survey

T will give Ss a survey with some questions on it,then ask Ss to stand up and walk around in the classroom and ask the questions from other Ss. T will ask Ss to share their opinions with whole class.

Pre-Listening (3-5 minutes) • To make Ss ready for the listening task

T will show two photos on Powerpoint (Brad Pitt & an average man with suit),then elicit the word "average" from the students.Ss will recognize Brad Pitt is not an average man, and he is famous.Then T will regroup Ss and ask them to think about advantages and disadvantages of being an average person. T will monitor Ss while they are talking and then T will give Ss some small cards with some phrases and sentences on them and ask Ss to think which of them belong to pros(advantage) or cons(disadvantage) category. Ss must come on the board and stick their cards on the wall according to the pros and cons.

While-Listening(Listening for gist) (3-5 minutes) • To check Ss understanding of the question "Who/What is Average Man?"

T will show the question of "Who/What is Average Man?"on powerpoint and will tell Ss,they are going to listen to the talk Who is Average Man and they have to answer the question based on the listening and choose one of the options. Before playing the listening track ,T will ask Ss this ICQ "Are you going to write anything ?No-We are going to listen only"

While-Listening(Listening for comprehension) (8-10 minutes) • To check Ss understanding of some details in the listening track

T will hand out the true/false papers to Ss and ask Ss to listen again and decide whether the sentences are true or false.If Ss need one more time to listen to the track,T will play it again.After that T will ask Ss to check their answers with their partners and ask some of the students for feedback.

Short text (5-6 minutes) • To practice more of Speaking via a short text (Average UK Man)

T will give Ss the short text about Average UK Man and ask Ss to read it with their partners and put an exclamation mark if they think it's interesting and a tick if they think the fact would be the same for men in Turkey. Then T will ask Ss to share their opinions with the class.

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