Friends and strangers - Speaking (functional language)
Intermediate level

Main Aims
By the end of this lesson, students will start a conversation using phrases appropriate to use with friends and strangers in the context of a public meeting place.
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of this lesson, students will perform a role play using functional language to start a conversation with a friend or stranger.
Procedure (32-45 minutes)
T hands out pictures of 4 different situations. and shows slide with questions: Where are the people? Are they friends or strangers? Why do you think this? What could they be talking about? T tells Ss to compare and contrast the pictures in pairs, using the above criteria. T elicits and demonstrates: T: 'Where are they in picture a?' Ss: 'on a bus." T: 'In picture a they are on a bus.' T monitors.
T asks pointing to the pictures. "What do you think they are talking about? Ss: 'The weather, work etc..' T: 'Why do you think that?' Ss own answers. T tells ss they are going to listen to 2 conversations and they need to match the conversation to the correct picture. T asks: What helped you decide? Ss volunteer answers.
T tells the ss to listen again and asks : 'How do the people start the conversations?" Ss: Sorry but I know you from somewhere? (conversation 1) So, how was your meeting? (conversation 2) (ii) "Tick the things they talk about." FB: T asks volunteers for answers.
T asks ss: What kind of things do you ask a stranger? Ss call out ideas. T: What about people you think you know? or People you have seen before but you are not friends? T shows slide with phrases CCQ You're Lucy's neighbour, aren't you? Do I know Lucy? (Yes) Is the listener someone I think I know or a stranger? (someone you think you know) You work in a supermarket, don't you? Am I sure I know this person? (No) Am I sure they work at the supermarket? (No) Have I seen the person before? (Yes) T asks the ss in pairs to decide which phrases they can use with friends and strangers. T gives out HO. T monitors FB T gives out answer key
T points to phrase [You work in a supermarket, don't you?] T elicits by asking: 'Are we asking a question or checking information?' S: "Checking information.' T asks ss to underline which phrases are used to check information. FB: T calls on volunteers. Tasks: 'What do we call these phrases?' S: 'question tags'. T highlights rising intonation on tags. T asks ss to practice saying the phrases with question tags with rising intonation. T monitors. T shows slide and asks the ss to complete the rule about question tags. 1. After a positive verb use a positive/ negative question tag. 2. After a negative verb use a positive/ negative question tag. FB: T calls on volunteer.
(i) In pairs, T tells Ss to choose a picture and create a role play using the phrases discussed to start a conversation. T demonstrates. T monitors and notes errors T asks volunteers to show the class.