Tugce Kilic Tugce Kilic

Beginner level


Students will learn to say email addresses and exchange personal information like their name, mobile phone number and email address etc. about themselves.


Abc face2face starter student’s book(2009) Chris Redston with Gillie Cunningham Cambridge UP (pg.18-19)
Abc Personal Details form
Abc Gap-fill handout 2
Abc Email address HO
Abc Cutting Edge Starter Teacher's Book Unit 2D
Abc Gap-fill handout 1

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy through a controlled speaking practice by role-playing the given IDs in the context of passport control procedure in London.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To be able to find the specific information and fill in the given form by listening to the recording.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To remind sts the English alphabet.

T will write the alphabet on top of the WB and students will drill the letters. Then the sts will look at the ex. 3 and learn how to say "." and "@" in English. (dot and at). If there was any problem with the pronunciation, T will drill the correct form.

Practice #1 (4-6 minutes) • To make sts use the TL.

There are 4 email addresses in ex. 4 and sts first work in pairs to tell each email address to their partners. After that sts will listen to the recording to check their answers. Then, T will hear some of the answers to check if they say the email addresses correctly.

Practice #2 (4-6 minutes) • To make sts understand and write the email addresses correctly.

Sts will come to the WB one by one and ask one student for his/her email address. Student on the board will try to write the address correctly. They will take turns.

Listening (5-7 minutes) • To make sts listen for specific details.

First T sticks the HO on to the WB and introduces the two people on the picture, Tony and Amy. In ex. 6 there is a form and sts will fill in this form while listening to the job interview of these two people. If necessary T plays the audio for the second time. As FB, T will hear sts' answers.

Language-Focus (5-7 minutes) • To make sts use contractions (what's) and understand the MFP of the relevant vocabulary correctly.

Here in the ex. 7 before giving the HO, T will direct sts to produce the TL that is used to ask questions to collect personal information. After checking their knowledge T will give the HO. If necessary T will use finger contractions to show not "what is" but "what's". After that T will make sts repeat these questions. Here some pronunciation drills may be required. (n.) nationality - /naʃəˈnalɪti/ (n.) email - /ˈiːmeɪl/ (n.) address - /əˈdrɛs/

Production (11-13 minutes) • To make sts use the TL in real life situation through controlled speaking activity as the roles are given beforehand.

T will ask sts to come and sit in front of the board face to face. The context is that they are at passport control in London. They will be given fake IDs and personal details. They will fill in the given form by asking the personal information questions studied in the previous stage of the lesson. So this is a controlled speaking activity done for accuracy in speech. After the first round, Sts will exchange roles. All the sts are expected to participate in this task. T will monitor sts and make delayed error correction after the task if necessary.

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