Ratri Inastu Ardiningrum Ratri Inastu Ardiningrum

Writing skills: a poster project on tourism
Intermediate level


In this lesson, SS will make a promotion poster of a city. The aim of the lesson is to provide SS the opportunity for writing practice of giving recommendations. The lesson starts with a short elicitation activity to provide example and content of the poster. This is followed by creating activity where SS create posters on the cities that they choose. In the last session, SS will do a group activity of asking and giving recommendation using the posters they have made.


Abc Art kit: coloured pencils, coloured markers
Abc Stationery: markers, tapes, glue sticks, paper, blu-tack, scissors
Abc Photos of Jakarta
Abc Posters made by students

Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice of a poster in the context of tourism

Subsidiary Aims

  • To recycle adjective noun word formation in the context of tourism


Stage 1 (Warmer) (5-8 minutes) • To introduce context, recycle giving and asking recommendation vocabulary and disclose contents of the poster

-Show the picture of Jakarta. -Divide the class into pairs. -Ask the SS to make a list of questions about Jakarta. -Elicit questions. -Give the poster sample. -Ask the SS to check if they can find the answers of their questions in the poster. -Elicit contents of the poster: What kind of information can you find in the poster? -Disclose the necessary contents for the poster. -Elicit the poster writing style: -The text in the poster, is long or short? -Are there any pictures in the poster? -Are the text and the pictures attractive?

Stage 2 (while-writing) (18-20 minutes) • To practice writing recommendation through posters

-Divide the class into groups of 4s. -Put the envelopes on the board. -Tell the SS to choose 1 envelop. -Give instructions for making the poster: "Now you will make a poster. The information about the city is in the envelope. You need to have these information in your poster (point on the contents), use the stationery and art kit together and your time is until 12:35."

Stage 3 (post-writing) (20-22 minutes) • To make SS present their posters, give and ask recommendation.

-Divide each group into 2 subgroups (A and B). -Give instructions: -Group A will ask questions and recommendation about the city from other groups. -Group B will give information and recommendation about their cities. -Show the rotation of Group A. -ICQs: -Group A, raise your hands. Will you ask questions or give information? -Yaren (example from group A), which group will you ask/question? (ask other A subgroups the same ICQ to make sure they are questioning the correct group). -Let the SS do the activity for 10 minutes. -After 10 minutes, stop the activity and switch the role. -Give similar instructions to group B: -Group B will ask questions and recommendation about the city from other groups. -Group A will give information and recommendation about their cities. -Show the rotation of Group B. -ICQs: -Group B raise your hands. Will you ask questions or give information? -Fatih (example from group B), which group will you ask/question? (ask other group Bs the same ICQ to make sure they are questioning the correct group). -Let the SS do the activity for 10 minutes. -After 10 minutes, have the SS back to their seats and if time permits, have a WCFB about the cities they have questioned. Which city did you ask? What are interesting things in that cities? -End the lesson.

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