Teaching Practice 3
Intermediate level

Main Aims
To teach and practice the use of prepositions of place within context.
Subsidiary Aims
To practice and develop students' reading skills for both gist and specific information.
Procedure (32-45 minutes)
The teacher writes the following sentence on the WB: "There is a tall, dark tower." Then, she asks students the questions stated below in order to elicit answers, grab students' attention and intoduce "prepositions" : "What can it be about?" "What do you think is inside there?" "What can happen next?" The students are guessing and pitching ideas,after a while, the teacher wants them to study on ex.1 in pairs and by looking at the picture on the handout they are going to fill in the blanks. ICQs are impletemented here. After 1 minute, some students share their answers with the class.
According to the answers of ex.1, the teacher draws by adding some creativeness, the things like "prison, princess, prince, wizard, witch, cave, treasure, island, dragon, unicorn,knight, horse( related with the topic of legends, legendary)"on the WB and after drawing something(for example forest) the students answer and the teacher elicits answers by guided questions like "who is there, where is it, what is it" in order to make them use the prepositions. During the process, the teacher notices the weak, quite and hesitant students and make sure that they don't switch off. The teacher also writes some prepositions on the WB as getting answers to the place of the drawings and asks synonyms for some prepositions(like under for beneath, inside for within) as prepositions said by students. Before moving forward into the practice, the teacher asks questions like: "Beneath, within: do we use these prepositions mostly in spoken language or written language? are these informal or formal? Where do we see it most often? in literary or on Facebook?" in order to guide them about the usage of the prepositions. (This part can be omitted or can even be shorter according to the performance of the class in the previous present/eliciting activity.) In this stage, just before the study on the next practice, the teacher starts to ask questions (like where is the horse? where is teh forest? where is th cave?) to the students and starts to get faster gradually and wants students to answer in the same pace which is gradually faster. After 1 minute, instead of the teacher asking questions to students, students asks questions each other in PW and the teacher monitors and notice the developments of the students.
Afterwards the students are told to move on to ex.3 and study on it individually for 1 minute. Afterwards, answers are checked within PW for max.1 minute. At the end of the acivity, some students share their answers in order to complete the feedback process and make sure that everyone eventually has the correct answers before moving into the freer practice.
The teacher wants students to work in PW(different partners). She gives the instructions: Students work in pairs. In the pairs, one student has a map and the other doesn't have. The one that has a map shouldn't show it to his/her partner and shouldn't speak Turkish. The student with the map dictate the description to his/her partner and the partner draws a map according to the desription. At the end of the activity, the teacher sticks the original map on the WB and wants the students do the same thing. As all the class can see the maps, the one that is similar to the original map is the winner. This activity should max. take 10 minutes.
The teacher writes the sentence below on the WB: "The LEGENDARY city of Troy was located on the coast of Anatolia." and asks: "What does legendary mean?", "What is a legendary city?", "What is the difference between a myth and a legend?" "What kind of an animal is a dragon/unicorn ?Legend!" "Do you know Troy (Troya)?,Have you heard anything about Troya?", "Is it a myth or a legend?Why?" According to the answers, the teacher elicits that something legend is old but nobody knows whether it is true or not and a myth is not real. (Questions can be cut short according to the answers!)
The students asked to form a group of three to study on ex.1 in the reading part. First, students read the whole test(skim) and the sentences in the ex.1 These sentences are the first sentences of each paragraph. So students should be able to match the right sentence with the right paragraph. Afterwards, some students share their answers. The students study on ex.2 within the same group and look for specific information in the text. Afterward the answers will be shared with the class. The students asked to underline the prepositions and answer the question: "How many prepositions are there in the text?" READING PART IS OPTIONAL(In the case of having extra time, if there is more extra time, reading part will be covered in detailed If there is no time, this section will be omitted):